The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own. [ or hers :) ] ~Benjamin Disraeli ~

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

No Playground Duty

I can't believe it's been more than 2 years since I arrived in Cambodia. Time flies when you're having fun. My final two months are very busy with the completion of projects and finalising reports etc. I'm also looking forward to seeing Sue who is coming all the way from Netherton to experience a bit of Cambodian life.

Last time I wrote about the Multi Grade lesson we observed at Kouk Lun Primary School, a small school about 20km out of town. Today I visited the school to make the video and to present prizes to the winners of our gender story writing competition.

Whilst sat in the open air meeting area I was struck by how nicely the children were playing. There was nobody to supervise them or organise games but I witnessed a lot of activity.  The playing area consists of rough ground under the shade of a large tree and a climbing frame with tyre swings. No pushing, arguing or fighting. Once again, the pictures tell the story.
The picturesque setting of Kouk Lun Primary School. Girls are playing a chasing game.

This game is a bit like Cat and Mouse. I didn't understand the significance of the two in the middle!
Boys and girls played together
Some children chatted with friends
.... others preferred to swing alone
Boys play at kicking flip-flops, a Cambodian favourite
Under the flag is a comfortable place to eat snacks
Last time I was at the school, children were busy fencing off an area as a bicycle park. This is now complete and bikes look very tidy. Some children cycle a long way to get to school.

Pretty Parking.
Beautiful rock garden behind the bike park. A bit dry as we've had no rain for months.
The Grade 5/6 teacher again taught a lovely lesson that I can now share with all staff and trainees through the video. He also demonstrated good techniques for using the blackboard with a curtain, something else that will benefit trainees. It's great to find a teacher who can set an example to the future generation of teachers. I am extremely grateful to him for all his help.